Announcements related to LAVA (updated 10/31/2023): (1) LAVA available (2) AYASAMAJ.COM update (3) Delay in publishing part 2 of 2022 newsletter (4) Prize/Gift giveaway for 2023/2024, Vpp Equation, and SPY() (1) Lovely's Anti-Virus Algorithm (LAVA) availability This technique (algorithm) proven by our research & development (R&D) is now available at small cost to anyone. Press the "Buy Lava" paypal button at bottom of our main page and we will email you the LAVA text file to the email id given via paypal (by default) or other email that you provide to us. File is viewable in your email client or any other text editor like Notepad which comes free with any Windows OS version and there is an equivalent to Notepad in other OSes. There's only one version available for the general public and it has not been modified since it first came out in 2022. If you work for us or follow us, text to 732-549-3097 the pin code we gave you at your interview/meeting at our office at 19 Ventnor Drive or elsewhere and we can send over this text file to you freely via email. Make sure to include your email address in your text message along with pin code. Krishnasoft's marketing men have been missing/retired for 7+ years now so this is my only way to give/sell this item currently. As you can tell, I'm not a marketing person so essentially my corporation is a non-profit organization but just trying to get it available to someone who has interest. Some other algorithms are available in our newsletters and in KSIMathA and KSIMath document which are downloadable freely from our website: Doc file(s) require Microsoft Word compatible word processor that can read Word files created up to 2003. I tried to take photos of the math notes so nobody would have to enter them into Microsoft Word, but there are too many pages and makes the website slower to load, bigger, and not searchable. An example of a simpler math proof is given via photos at in the two articles there: "Lord Nrsimha on the Borderline" and "Lucky 7". For longer math proofs or more complex ones, using a standard document format like Microsoft Word or a compatible word processor is a better way to present the math. Many of our algorithms are already applied in our multimedia products: Gita CD, Bhagavatam CD, Krsna CD, and HWP CD; however, the source code of these algorithms and design is currently available to consultants of Krishna Software Inc. (KSI). The products themselves are available for purchase securely via paypal link given on our website or through promos given on ebay under ebay ID: krishnasoft or live demo stalls held in certain public events or in your home via invitation. You can also request the lavassl.txt via email and our apple email ID is also the same as our ebay ID: krishnasoft (apple ID ends with Related file to lavassl.txt, CLMath.doc is currently incomplete from notes. Txt 16108 to 732-549-3097 to subscribe to our newsletters or text messages. Text messaging is more interactive, flexible, and less likely to be misunderstood; also people generally read their text messages especially if they are short and sweet. This is an alternative way since there are just too many daily spam/scam/harassment/annoying/rude emails/phone calls. I even noticed some emails are getting blocked and never being received because the email software is using a bad algorithm and treating even good emails as spam (just like some virus/spyware scanners that treat even good software as a virus threat). If you find your phone call getting rejected or blocked and you are not scamming/spamming, use link on our main page of our website to go through secure paypal to receive a private phone number and email that's not filtered for spam/scam nor advertised anywhere so scammers/marketers have no access to it and you will be able to talk to us directly. Otherwise, it's low chance that your phone call will get through to us and even if it does there's close to ZERO chance you will be taken seriously. This is all thanks to malicious people who abuse the phone for their nefarious ambitions and essentially are like "terrorist" as they use our own phone as a weapon against us wasting our time, money, energy, and disturbing our mood. The $0.25 (quarter) or $1.08 paid securely via paypal gets refunded to you after we talk to you so it's not like a pay phone or money-making scheme. It prevents robots and scammers from getting the private email/phone number. In fact we have been losing money ever since our marketing men left 7+ years ago and paypal charges for their transactions even if after we refund you. You can also get access to our private line if you participate/interact in our text msg mailouts because then we can tell if it's a scammer or someone interested in the truth or Absolute Truth (our main subject and objective) or the side humor messages. Back to LAVA, recall from our January 1999 newsletter "Stop All your Miseries in Less than one Second" and from various lectures in various places (Om temple, Edison Ventnor home, etc.) the first level or best algorithm to remove all miseries of this material world remains (and always will be) bhakti-yoga (devotional service) and that's the rarest thing in this material world. Practice of devotional service leads to self-realization which automatically includes freedom from the material body and its associated miseries like birth, death, old age, and disease. Until we attain this state, the bodily miseries and happiness come and go according to our karma so second level or second best algorithm to stop miseries is to get rid of any remaining bad karma and stop build-up of further bad karma. If we don't deserve to be diseased and do not PURPOSELY TRY to get diseased (suicidal mission), then nature will protect us from getting the disease. For example, many animals and even some humans did not and do not get COVID-19 because they don't deserve it and nature either has provided a means to fend it off a priori due to their bodily construction or nature gives them the instincts/means to avoid it. Many people especially in India are familiar with this 2nd level of stopping miseries since you see them taking bath in the Ganga or visiting holy places to try to wipe out their accumulated bad karma. Here Ganga is the divine item required to clear up the bad karma. You can get the divine association through other means as anything in touch with the Supreme Lord is divine. Just remember good karma like pious acts and philanthropic acts do not wipe out bad karma but build good karma. The third level of stopping our bodily miseries is to use natural living and natural remedies to eliminate the bodily misery but the bad karmic reaction remains pending and comes out in a different way or form. The fourth level of stopping bodily miseries is to use artificial speculative or theoretical methods based on induction like modern medicine or even some man-made (concocted) natural methods. For the 3rd and 4th level, "healing" or elimination of bodily misery is temporary or just replacement of one misery with another unless level 1 or level 2 algorithms are also somehow applied on top. For example, sometimes a doctor tries to cure a patient but other things start going wrong in the body which normally should not go wrong (assuming it's not a case of suicidal mission of patient accepting/demanding to take "bad" or "unproven" medicine with side effects). Natural remedies for diseases based on deduction outshine the artificial medical methods and this is where AYASAMAJ.COM comes into the picture as discussed below in item (2). We wrote algorithms like LAVA ( and that falls into the third level of "healing" if taken by itself. However, it can be converted to first class method by dovetailing in the service of Lord Krishna (God). For example a self-realized soul can HEAL and USE his body to fulfill the mission of Lord Krishna although he himself does not feel the pains of the body and is indifferent to them and does not require the healing. A self-realized soul can also heal another person's body using third level method if the person is helpful or potentially helpful in fulfilling the mission of Lord Krishna. This is what I mean by the fact that natural remedies like LAVA can co-exist and be simultaneously applied (if needed) with other algorithms given on our website or in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Krishnasoft's algorithms are in the same category of "simply wonderful" as our company motto; i.e., you do not have to waste tons of time going out of your way to employ them in your life nor have masters/doctorate degrees in computers or advanced math to understand or reprove them. Our research is ALL our own done from scratch and we specialize in developing algorithms and also simplifying and optimizing them for the target platform. Our multimedia CDs are an example of these algorithms at work where we squeezed 30+ hours of audio/visuals into each CD using our own lossless data compression of audio, images, and text. Those that are advanced enough to apply level 1 algorithm realize they are not their bodies and the miseries that come to their bodies are irrelevant and deserved, for the self-realized see everything as the mercy of God and do NOT suffer the bodily miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease. A self-realized person is NOT tolerating pain (as in stoicism) but has actual realization of being separate from the body like a person not attached to a car does not feel pain when it stops working or is damaged in some way as he can just get into another vehicle or get it repaired. (2) AYASAMAJ.COM is now closed I wrote up some of the researched facts about nature cure for AYASAMAJ.COM-- one of our sister websites. However, there was not much demand and as already stated the marketing people for my company are no longer with us so I have written a summary of this website in ayasamaj text file which you can read from our main page (last update published 9/17/23). Unfortunately, the website which was set up to promote this material is now shut-down due to lack of man-power and urgency of other material to be posted so only a summary is available currently. One cannot draw an absolute conclusion based on limited samples observed by imperfect beings. According to Srimad-Bhagavatam influence of time is itself is a f(x,y,z,..); i.e., it's a function of location, type of body we have, etc. Then there are subtle elements out there that are NOT observable by microscope or telescope. Even Plato thought the concepts are more important and more permanent than physical objects (see Platonic.txt). Even concepts can be mistaken or need correction what to speak of physical observation which is obviously limited. The subtle elements (mind, intelligence, ego) are still material (subtle matter) and subject to material laws but beyond the subtle matter there's the spirit soul and spiritual nature in general that is NOT affected even by time at all and is eternal. Ayasamaj has its basis in scriptures like Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Vedic texts as its based on deductively arrived solutions and/or those that take everything into account and not based on someone's limited imperfect observations. One should take the Srimad-Bhagavatam seriously even if you don't know the deductive nature of Srimad-Bhagavatam because of the fact that it has been around for at least thousands of years (going by written evidence), never changed and followed by millions (even beyond the earth) whereas modern science is only a few hundred years old and its theories have already been updated and modified many times nor is there any evidence that it even works beyond the earth. The failing and requirement of updates/changes of modern sceince (which includes modern medicine) is due to inductive nature of their methodology. (3) Delay in publishing part 2 of 2022 Newsletter Okay, my dream has not yet come true that there would be a person or some people who are descendants of Ganga that would relate to my the publishing of the 2nd part of 2022 Krishnasoft's newseltter and/or help promote Vedic science/math in general. Everything has a reason so I don't like to just shove all my dreams under the rug or dismiss them as fiction after I wake up. In fact, many algorithms I have come up with were partly or wholly in my dreams. It seems from my dreams that I have or had some relationship with this organization in a previous life and/or this life and can be summed up with this quote: "Brothers and sisters I have some but one of their ancestor's father is my father's son." There's some "Mystery Gift" (see Mystery gift private file) obtained by providence and my own gifts for some "Mystery Girl" or Dream Girl that I am supposed to give to her according to several dreams and realizations I had starting in February 2022. So far it seems there seems to be some sort of communication gap from this organzation with me to figure out this mystery person. Initially I thought somehow it was going to happen automatically but then I had some realization that she is a "damsel in distress" who needs to be rescued or saved from the "dragon(s)" like a princess in a fairy tale story. Here "dragon" meaning some enemy or enemies intefering from the fulfillment of this dream. Anyway, to make up for the delay in the 2nd part of the 2022 newsletter, I have written some supplementary articles like summary of Ayasamaj website and I have made addendums to the May 2000 Newsletter about Lord Nrsimhadeva and nature of "lucky 7" every year on Nrsimha's appearance day and these articles are freely available from our main webpage: These articles are NOT substitutes for 2nd part of newsletter for 2022; they are neither an official newsletter nor NOT an official newsletter. Some of this stuff may end up in the newsletter. They are not as thoroughly researched as newsletters except some parts. The consultants mentioned at the end of the newsletters are no longer consultants with Krishna Softare Inc. so that's why the dream girl made sense to me and some of the events in the dream have already come true. I also have been living mostly with relatives/parents/friends (not in my own house) so I can't really dig-in and spend all my time to keep adding to my websites and keep them working due to "havoc" that usually takes place with people coming and going or me having to run "errands". I like to have all my references in front of me scattered everywhere and if they are on the computer, I like to have multiple computers running with all my references in front of me. I have 50+ working laptops with scriptures and other reference math books/software installed. I have started posting text messasges weekly as one alternative for our subscribers to keep getting our philosophy/math related to the Absolute Truth (see announcement (4) below). I do intend to finish up part 2 of the KSI 2022 Newsletter after the dream/"mystery" person (Jiato or whoever) comes in whatever form or name. I have recently uploaded update to Lord Nrsimhadeva's article for His appearance day (May 22, 2024). Also because of the dream, I took a trip to Seaside area of NJ (triangle formed between Freehold, Long Branch, and Pt. Pleasant) hoping to trigger off some "deja vu" effect of this person if it's related to reincarnation. So far only result of that trip were dreams of the Atlantic Ocean beach in that area and some feeling that people familiar with Jiato were there. (4) Prize/Gift giveaway for 2023/2024, Vpp Equation, and SPY() We are giving away prizes for answering questions given in some of Krishna Software's text msgs and other articles. Join our text messaging list by texting "LLC" or "join" to 732-549-3097 or unjoin by texting "OOP" (opt out permanently). The LLC is Lovely's Lucky7 Call or Lovely's Lucky7 Calculations based on the universal f(t) where t is based on m,d,y (month, day, year). This text msg subscription is also to make up for the delay in publishing the 2nd part of our newsletter as Jiato or "mystery" girl was suppose to be part of this newsletter. As for our contest participants, the prize consists of winner's choice of either iphone, ipad, or some new clothing; for some difficult questions (where specified as such), the prize is a general laptop with Windows 10 preloaded with some of Krishna Software's articles and software. Contest is open to all who can answer the question(s) and submit them via email or via text msg to us before their deadline. You can submit even after the deadline and you may still get away with it depending on other participants claiming the prize. There can be multiple winners so anyone and everyone who submits the correct answer to Lovely before the deadline will win the prize. Limit of one prize per question per person. Prizes are new but opened to test to make sure you get a working/good item since most prizes have been in storage for many months now. Each contest has a deadline date unless otherwise noted in the questions or extended for special circumstances. Submit any answers via text message to 732-549-3097 or email So far some of the questions are: (a) What I meant by "xx mg" of laughter in the certain msgs sent via text messages? (b) If a dead tree falls in a forest with no one around, does it make a sound? (c) Shirley surely saw Michelle selling seashells at the seashore of Seaside Park not Jiato; if it were Jiato, I would be _____-________. Fill in the blank and submit via text message to Lovely. Thanks for all those who submitted the answers to these already. Answer to question (c) was shell-shocked and that particular contest for question (c) is closed. It was was worth mentioning again as I'm still shell-shocked that no one has yet submitted any answers for (b) yet so this may be used again in the future. Starting 11/09/2023 till deadline of March 4, 2024, questions became more difficult and fourth question and 4th chance to win a laptop of 8th generation or higher with Windows 10: (d) In one of Virender's Vpp equations, if p(0) has an initial condition of p(0)=lg3; i.e., if we take logarithm of 3 using base 2 logarithm (lg) and make this the initial value for p(0) in Virender's prime to prime equation (Vpp), how many consecutive primes do we get taking n from 0..9 in calculating P(n) and what is proof for P(n) being prime or composite. Obviously, p(0) is not prime as it's lg3. Time extended to December 31, 2024 due to no correct answers. The other challenge starting from 3/4/2024 till the Solar eclipse this year (April 8th, 2024) was to state one item where the old 8-bit computers like Atari 800 are superior to modern PCs running Windows or MacOS. One correct answer is in cycle-exact coding like sending a pulse through a joystick port to an external device at an exact time when some video scanline is being drawn. There's no emulator for Atari 800 or any other software on the modern PC that can accomplish this task exactly. Some of the answers will be posted on the ISCA website (our sister non-profit organization website soon. You can go to retro-forums and ask there or wherever you want to verify this and other things as this was an "open book" or free-for-all contest. Time for this was also extended to 9/30/2024 in case you can think of another item. Information about Vpp, 7-ology involving LORE, SPY, LIPS, and other miscellaneous stuff is given at: This was updated on 3/16/2024 and the older version was: You may have to copy and paste this link if it does NOT show up as a clickable link as this is a text file (not HTML). Also, type the http:// or https:// as this may be required on some browsers. New contest that started on 12/30/2023 and still ongoing: how did 23 get her wish dancing with the queen(s)/princesses at the royal dance held on 12/31/2023. Recall 23 was powered by 2 to go the royal dance and also show off her maniac dance to be held on 12/31/2023. Recall that a queen is 17 and a princess is 7 so a 41 consists of 2 queens and one princess (17+7+17=41). 2^23 = 8388608 which sums to 41. Did 23 become center of attention (COA) and get to dance with the princesses and queen(s)? Obviously, she is already center of attention on 12/31 (1231) being surrounded by a picket fence ("1"s). RSVP to us via text or phone call if you are a princess who attended this event to get more information about future events and hints about research behind this and other stuff mentioned in text messages; our RSVP "hotline" number is 732-790-4361. Or you can paypal a quarter as a gift to to receive written correspondence to be emailed or mailed to you. Yet another contest and another opportunity to win a prize started on 3/14/2024 which is considered PI-day for some. The contest is to find at least two more combinations of 7s and 17s in SPY() that are already not given in our Vpp.htm file using SPA. SPY() stands for Scaled PI Yield and is an integer yielded by scaling pi with default scale factor of 10^16: pi*10^16 = 31415926535897932. It's 17 digits (queen size) and 14th digit is 7 and its primary factors are 7 total: 2*2*7*7*2381*57493*1170899. If you have not already done so join our text msg list by subscribing to it via texting to us via any of our phone lines. We added a humor section as well so you will get math & music (M&M), humor, and philosophy separately or intertwined together. It's better to be three dimensional (3D) or higher than one dimensional. Of course, love is another dimension of the living entity and to cultivate that there are scriptures like the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Examples of recent or currently ongoing humor questions are: (1) what is it called when a man dreams of a horse (instead of a dream girl)? (2) Dr. Astro Wagmitail (Dr. Awe) won Nobel Dog Prize for his theory and discovery of Dog force called DATE (Dog Atom Theory Exposition); he took a trip on a cruise line.. why? and where did he go to study whether man prefers dogs wagging their tails or jumping and dragging them onto the ground and licking their faces? [Puppy's uncertainty principle...] (3) What's the story behind Dr. Awe's awe in watching 101 Dalmations 256 times? (4) ECG (Extra-Care Giving) Airport dream joke not yet written (involves goats running an airport and checking animals in...) (5) In Olympics 2024 in Paris, men and women's basketball teams won the gold medal but barely not the blowout win that you would expect from all-star players. The teenagers from high school and college would have given us a similar results so what do these professional NBA/WNBA players need to do to perform better than our teenagers. Sincerely, Lovely